Front Page News


Ken Belson has been on the N.F.L. beat for the New York Times since 2013, and he has covered six Super Bowls and three Olympics. But the untold stories off the field that affect athletes' lives are the ones Belson seeks out the most.


REUTERS - For most of us, integrity means that when we give our word on something, we intend to keep it. It’s a core value of the Reuters Trust Principles that Guild journalists at Reuters embrace. So why is management, despite committing to a collective bargaining agreement, repeatedly ignoring absolutely clear language limiting what it can do?


For NewsGuild Members: Rules for the nomination and election of 8 positions as delegates to the 2017 CWA convention and 12 positions as delegates to the 2017 TNG-CWA convention. 


Reuters NewsGuild members, in their third year without a contract, boost job actions nationwide. 


Guild President Grant Glickson asks, "Why would the New York Times want to join the sorry parade of other American newsrooms that have cut out the last, best line of defense against errors: The newsroom copy desk and the eagle-eyed editors who staff it?" 


Ana B. Nieto has been covering the Latino community in the United States for several years now, including the past three-plus years at El Diario.


The Guild is pleased to announce the opening of nominations for its annual service award, named in honor of the late Tom Keenan. Each year, the Keenan Award recognizes the outstanding contributions of a Guild member. Nominations, which can be made by any member, are open until Monday, May 15 at 6 p.m. EDT


An agreement reached by The Newspaper Guild of New York and the New York Times Company in August 1997, marked the first digital news organization to be unionized in the country. 


The nomination and election to fill four Executive Committee vacancies were adopted by the local election committee on April 22. 


Reporter Luciana Lopez has been at Reuters since 2009, after a stint at the Oregonian in Portland. Get to know Lopez a bit better with our 10 questions.