Front Page News


The nomination and election to fill vacancies of Unit Chair, First Vice Chair, Secretary, Second Vice Chair and Third Vice Chair of Forward Unit shall be conducted in accordance with the Bylaws of the NewsGuild of New York and Federal Law. 


In a nomination meeting at The Amsterdam News on June 18, 2018, Guild members were nominated Stephon Johnson to fill the vacant Unit Chair position.


On Wednesday, Guild members working at The Forward, the national magazine and online publication that covers news relevant to American Jews, ratified a three-year agreement between the company and the NewsGuild of New York, the local union that represents nearly 3,000 media and research professionals working in the New York City metro area.


On June 20, 2018, Jim Luttrell, Senior Staff Editor and Grievance Chair of the New York Times Unit, will be awarded the 2018 Thomas M. Keenan NewsGuild of New York Service Award.


Yesterday the Department of Justice seized phone and email records of New York Times reporter Ali Watkins. These actions represent a deeply troubling violation of the First Amendment and of the essential role of the Fourth Estate: to question the levers of power, interrogate authority, and seek answers on behalf of the public.


In a nomination meeting at The Nation on June 6, 2018, one Guild member was nominated to fill the open Secretary position. Three members were nomiated to fill the open Vice Chair positions. The nomination and election to fill a vacancy in Unit Chair position in The Nation Unit shall be conducted in accordance with the Bylaws of the NewsGuild of New York and Federal Law. 


From The New York Times | The New Yorker’s editorial staff members said Wednesday that they had formed a union, adding the magazine to a growing list of publications, old and new, whose employees have turned to collective bargaining during a tumultuous time for the industry.


From New York Magazine | The era of white-collar organized labor is fully upon us: the editorial staff of The New Yorker wants to unionize. This morning, organizers sent a letter to the magazine’s editor, David Remnick, asking that the institution and its corporate owner, Condé Nast, voluntarily recognize their membership in the NewsGuild of New York.


Editorial employees of The New Yorker magazine announced today that an overwhelming majority of its staff have joined the NewsGuild of New York, TNG-CWA Local 31003, the union that represents nearly 3,000 media professionals in the Greater New York City area. The NewsGuild of New York is part of the larger 24,000-member NewsGuild-CWA, which represents news professionals across the U.S. and Canada.


The NewsGuild of New York, CWA Local 31003, with a membership as diverse as our city, seeks an experienced Local Representative with bargaining experience ready to represent members working in a rapidly changing media industry. Applicants should be ready to hit the ground running to advocate for, communicate with, and organize news industry employees in America’s media capital.