Front Page News


NewsGuild members across the U.S. and Canada have been working tirelessly to provide accurate information to our communities about the coronavirus pandemic. This kind of important journalism is needed more than ever right now.


Please be advised that, as provided in the Guild Constitution, the maximum salary on which dues may be withheld is increased each year.


BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti today announced plans to reduce salaries across the company in anticipation of the industry-wide financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic.


As the PAUSE executive order issued by Gov. Andrew Cuomo outlines, the news media is an essential service while New York State shutters all “nonessential” businesses and restricts physical interactions to slow the spread of coronavirus in our region, which has seen a major jump in cases after more testing was put in place.


The NewsGuild of New York is working to ensure that you and your colleagues are safe and up to date on any changes in policies and procedures at your workplace. We’re here to advocate for your concerns, to work with management on meeting  the challenges to come, and to support each other through this pandemic. 


In taking every precaution to ensure that NewsGuild Local staff members remain available to you during this pandemic and the resulting global shift in our work culture, the physical Guild office at 1500 Broadway is temporarily closing through the end of March.


While the spread of coronavirus widens and the cases of COVID-19 increase, we’re focused on how this affects your physical safety and working conditions.


As we meet the demands of never-ending news, it’s more important than ever to safeguard your health. At the same time that government officials are  advising individuals and businesses about how best to prepare for a potential COVID-19 outbreak, NewsGuild representatives are gathering information to protect you.


Today the American Arbitration Association conducted a vote count for the NBC News Digital Unit Chair election. Ballots were sent to 131 eligible voters, and 84 ballots were received by the deadline.


From WWDIt made it company policy, but The NewsGuild argues that it should be enshrined in union bargaining contracts.