The NewsGuild of New York's Statement on Supreme Court's Janus Ruling
The Supreme Court’s Janus vs. AFSCME decision is a huge blow to the labor movement and an attack on all workers. The NewsGuild of New York stands with public sector workers and strongly condemns this decision which will undercut the ability of public sector unions to fight for their members.
Make no mistake: this decision is about business interests that want to control public services, permanently gut unions, and disparage workers, and it lays the groundwork for future decisions that will also hurt private sector workers.
Despite these attacks, working people across the country are organizing and fighting back. There has been a groundswell of new organizing across industries, and within our own union, as thousands of new members join the labor movement to demand stronger job protections, better wages, and a voice in their workplace. We know that workers want to join unions and want a protected voice.
The path forward as a labor movement will not be easy, but it is clearer than ever: we must organize, strengthen our unions from the bottom up, and fight for working people everywhere.
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