The New York Times’ Jim Luttrell Receives the 2018 Thomas M. Keenan NewsGuild of New York Service Award
For Immediate Release | June 12, 2018
Contact: Josh Austin, Communications Director,
New York, NY - On June 20, 2018, Jim Luttrell, Senior Staff Editor and Grievance Chair of the New York Times Unit, will be awarded the 2018 Thomas M. Keenan NewsGuild of New York Service Award. This award is presented to a Guild member who has performed above and beyond in service to the New York Local and best exemplifies the ideals of a true labor leader in the spirit of Tom Keenan. The award ceremony will be held at the NewsGuild headquarters (1500 Broadway #900, New York, NY 10036).
“No matter the circumstance, it would always be an honor to be considered for the Guild’s Keenan Award,” Luttrell said. “But to receive this honor in a year when organized labor and my own industry is coming under ever-increasing fire, I'm especially humbled to be recognized for fighting the good fight alongside my fellow members.”
Luttrell was recognized for his passionate, reliable and enduring activism as someone who quickly engages new union members and tirelessly works to strengthen the unit. In addition to his service as the unit’s grievance chair, Luttrell is a critical asset to the union, serving on the Guild’s Bargaining Committee at the Times and as chair of the Career Path Committee, and on several other committees ranging from mobilization to communications.
Most recently, Luttrell was elected as the Third Vice President of the NewsGuild of New York. Additionally, he serves on the local’s Finance Committee and Executive Board, and he is a trustee of the Adjustable Pension Plan.
“In the over 20 years that Jim worked for The Times he has always been a fervent supporter of the Guild,” said Grant Glickson, President of The NewsGuild of New York. “In these last few years, Jim has become a key leader who is, among others, responsible for the strength of the Times’s unit. He deeply cares about engaging our members not only at The New York Times but across our local. I am quite fortunate to bestow this award to Jim.”
The annual award was established in 1999 to honor Tom Keenan, the longest-serving New York Times unit chair. Keenan was elected to seven terms as Times unit chair, holding that office longer than any other person before joining the Guild’s staff as a Local representative in 1998. He died in December 2000 after a battle with cancer.
Any Guild member in good standing can nominate any other member for the award. The winner is chosen by the New York Guild’s Administrative Committee, which consists of the president, secretary-treasurer, local chairperson and the Local’s three vice presidents.
About the NewsGuild of New York
The NewsGuild, Local 31003 of the Communications Workers of America is a labor union representing nearly 3,000 media professionals and other employees at New York area news organizations, including The New York Times, Thomson Reuters, The Nation, The New Republic and The Daily Beast.
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