In clear disregard for workers’ rights, NBC News executives announce plans to lay off unionized staff
NEW YORK – NBC Digital NewsGuild and The NewsGuild of New York unequivocally condemn NBC management’s announcement Thursday of plans to lay off 14 Guild-represented workers as part of broader layoffs at the company.
The NBC Digital NewsGuild – which represents reporters, editors, designers, video journalists, animators, social media strategists and editorial staff of NBC News Digital – has been negotiating its first contract since union certification in 2019. Any changes to working conditions, including layoffs, must be bargained.
The NYGuild is evaluating all options and expects NBC management to bargain in good faith on these proposed layoffs as they are required to by law.
“Rather than terminating more of our colleagues and stalling at the bargaining table, NBC should actually agree to a contract that respects industry standards, including just cause, with its workers,” said Carlin McCarthy, First Vice Chair of NBC Guild.
Last January, NBC illegally laid off seven union workers without bargaining, and informed several others that — while still employed — they were no longer protected by the union. The NewsGuild of New York filed unfair labor practice charges against NBC, which are still pending at Region 2 of the National Labor Relations Board, and the represented workers staged a one-day walkout in February.
“NBC management has engaged in an unrelenting pattern of union-busting since NBC Digital NewsGuild unionized, including threatening and surveilling employees who are exercising their rights as union members,” said Susan DeCarava, president of The NewsGuild of New York. “We will fight to protect our members and expect management to adhere to labor law and bargain with us.”
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