Statement from NY NewsGuild President Grant Glickson on NYT en Español Layoffs


The New York Times abruptly shut down the NYT en Español operation on Tuesday. Most of the eight-person team in Mexico City received absolutely no advance notice. 

The company sent a human resources representative, backed by two lawyers, to deliver the news, though in the end, they were prevailed upon to let the team leader and the bureau chief make the announcement. There was no participation by the editors and executives in New York who had launched the project with such high hopes in 2016.

The news, and its cold delivery, dealt a painful blow to those who worked so hard on the project -- two of them since its inception. 

The rationale was also painful. In a note to the project's readers, The Times said that NYT en Español had not proved financially successful, but made no known efforts to monetize it— despite receiving ideas from the team. 

The New York Times is a business, and business decisions must be made. But The Times also depends on workers at all levels to do their utmost to create and sustain the best journalism in the world.  To cut off journalists so committed to The Times and its mission undermines trust throughout the organization. 

It certainly does not exhibit the spirit of the Missions and Values of the company, which include respect, support and fairness. 

We are saddened to see our colleagues, who are not protected by a union, treated in this manner, and we stand in solidarity with them as they face the future.

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