Reuters journalist nominated for Executive Committee vacancy
The New York Guild’s Representative Assembly (RA) has named Moira Herbst of Thomson Reuters as its candidate to replace Priscilla Sutton, who left the Executive Committee when her administrative group at Thomson Reuters was eliminated. Herbst, a journalist who covers legal matters and a shop steward for her fellow legal journalists, was nominated without opposition at the February 21 RA Meeting.
Additional nominations for the vacant Executive Committee post may be made by petitions signed by not less than 5 percent of the New York Local’s membership in good standing as of February 1, which must be sent to Secretary-Treasurer Peter Szekely by 6 p.m. EST on March 2, 2012.
If no petitions are filed by the deadline, Herbst will be declared elected at that time. In the event of a contest, the election will be conducted entirely by mail ballot.
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