Guild Winter Training Series



Mark your calendars: The Guild has several exciting workshops and panels planned for November and December. Register below—and feel free to invite your Guild coworkers!

Organizing Conversations Training

Are you beating your head against the wall trying to get your coworkers involved? This workshop is for you! Hear success stories from Guild members who turned their workplaces around and turned apathy into action. Learn practical organizing tools for engaging your coworkers, taking action, and getting results. 

Upcoming date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET



Stewards Training One: Defending Our Rights

NewsGuild stewards are the backbone of our union, defending their coworkers when they are needed most. In this workshop we will review how stewards can use their special rights and protections to effectively advocate for their coworkers in investigatory interviews. We will also discuss how to handle supervisors who are trying to put you off or trip you up. 

Please fill out the information below and then select one of the upcoming training dates to attend. The number of attendees in each training is limited to ensure active participation in the workshop. New dates will be added as classes fill up. If you sign up for a date, but then cannot attend, then please email 

Upcoming dates:

  • Saturday, November 13, 12:00 - 2:00 pm ET
  • Thursday, December 9, 6:00 to 8:00 pm ET



Effective Meeting Facilitation

Running effective meetings is a key part of building a strong union! But do your union meetings drag on too long? Does it feel like the same people are always talking? Is not enough getting done? Are the meetings just plain boring? Well, you are not alone! In this workshop we will discuss how to run effective meetings. Learn how to create a strong agenda, stay on task, get real work done, and make the experience enjoyable in the process! 

Upcoming dates:

  • Thursday, November 18, 2021, 7:00 - 8:00 pm ET
  • Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 7:00 - 8:00 pm ET



Open Up Bargaining!

Opening up bargaining to all members is a great way to build momentum, expose the boss, and democratize our contract campaigns. Learn from panelists with first-hand experience on how to grill the boss and demonstrate our power as a group!

Upcoming date: Thursday, Dec 2, 7:30 - 8:30 pm ET



Beating Back Bullying Bosses
Bullying bosses can turn our daily work lives into nightmares. Whether you have a boss who's a toxic micro-manager, who shouts and demeans, who's erratic and unpredictable, who is divisive and sets co-workers up against each other, or who is sexist or racist... these are indignities that are wrong and should be challenged. In this workshop we will learn about how these bullies abuse power, but we'll focus on how we can uplift attitudes, skills, and strategies to fight back. 

Upcoming date: Monday, Dec 13 6:00 to 8:00 pm ET

The workshop will be facilitated by veteran organizer and Labor Notes board member Ellen David Friedman.

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