Ed Fannon becomes local chair; 3 added to Executive Committee
Executive Committee member Ed Fannon has succeeded Art Mulford as local chairperson, the New York Guild’s top elected rank-and-file officer, who presides over all Executive Council and general membership meetings.
Along with Fannon, three others were declared elected to the Executive Council at the close of business on March 3, when no opposing contestants had been nominated by Guild-member petition.
Fannon, who is unit chair at Standard & Poor’s, had been the local’s 2nd vice president. The position of local chairperson became vacant in January after Mulford retired from his job at The New York Times in December and left the Executive Committee.
Elected to the Executive Committee were Mindy Matthews and Karen Grzelewski, both of The Times, and Amy Clark of the Jersey Journal, the recently added unit that was created when the Hudson County (NJ) Newspaper Guild merged into the local last year.
The terms of the new officers, who were elected to the unexpired portions of terms of officers who recently left the 24-member Executive Committee, expire on Jan. 1, 2011, along with the terms of all other current officers and Executive Committee members.
Fannon, Matthews, Grzelewski and Clark were nominated without opposition at the February 23 meeting of the local’s Representative Assembly. Had there been a contest, all four would have run as the candidates of The Democratic Coalition Slate.
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