WAM!NYC: Following #MeToo: Reporting on the movement and what's next

WAM!NYC is very excited to present a panel in collaboration with BuzzFeed’s NY women’s group on how to report on #MeToo. We'll be discussing how to keep the movement's momentum alive, addressing its perpetuation of cultural erasure, and dissecting the language we use when we report on sexual harassment and assault. RSVP here! 

Jessica Testa, BuzzFeed News Reporter on women and gender

Shonna Trinch, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Anthropologist and Linguist. Co-founder of Seeing Rape, a Campus Rape Prevention program with student-led theater at its core
Naimah Johnson, NYS Licensed Social Worker, immersed in healing and social justice initiatives for marginalized communities
Azeen Ghorayshi, BuzzFeed News Reporter on science

There will be plenty of space and light refreshments, but please note that since it will be at BuzzFeed's offices, we need everyone who is attending to register with their name in advance.

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